MaxKnight's Song Lyric Database Originally created 2/10/2006 Last updated 3/31/2024 In 2005, MaxKnight was 2 years out of High School, and 6 months out of college when he finally managed to land a paying job. There he met someone who would more or less become his best friend in the company, and through bonding with him over music, was encouraged to expand his own collection by investing in CD Albums. It was not too long after that, he got curious about what the lyrics of the songs actually were, and started looking them up. Rather than always having to go search for them, he decided to copy them out to his own computer. Cut to a few months later, and the first edition of the Song Lyrics Database was born. Okay, enough talking in the third person. I'm MaxKnight, and back then, I applied my meager knowledge of HTML to making a giant page of table to organize the links to the text files that contained the lyrics themselves (if you want to see that monstrosity, check this website: That got tiring, though, so I did a little research and learned how to use FRAMES. I know that even at that time, they were highly discouraged, but they worked perfectly for what I wanted, and so on 5/27/2006 I managed to craft the format of my current database. It consists of a main index that has three sections: the left side contains a page with the list of bands/artists, the right side is where the list of songs by said bands/artists will load when you click on one of them, and the middle is where the text file that contains the lyrics will actually load. Change log ---------- 5/27/2006 - First private version of the FRAMES version of the database 3/1/2008 - Last known update 8/11/2018 - First time the database was available to the public on the internet 3/2/2019 - Added a ton of Dragonforce lyrics 7/22/2019 - What a travesty... missing Meat Loaf lyrics; added a bunch of them 3/31/2024 - Corrected and added lyrics to last Dragonforce songs added